What is the On-Demand Fulfillment model?
On-Demand Fulfillment (ODF) is one of the most efficient and accommodating e-commerce models, which is recently applied in many shipping methods. By means of ODF, e-commerce retailers will play an intermediate role between buyers and sellers. Through its e-commerce channel, Tiki is regarded as a connecting bridge. This model is widely utilized by many titans in e-commerce businesses such as Amazon, Alibaba, etc.
The basic operating mode of the ODF model:
1) Tiki will receive orders from customers via its e-commerce website.
2) Tiki will prepare orders from its warehouse or the sellers from other stores will deliver products to Tiki as quickly as possible to meet the requirement.
3) Tiki will carefully pack the orders and ship them to customers.
4) Payment will be implemented via code or online payment.
5) In the end, Tiki will make payments to those stores.
Any exchange or return operations will be carried out in an inverse way.

ODF Model applying at Tiki
Source: Tiki Sellers: Mo hinh qua kho Tiki
Order confirmation process:
- After receiving the order from the customer, the seller needs to confirm or refuse to deliver within 4 hours.
- If the sellers confirm to make shipments, they need to prepare goods, print bills, and deliver them to Tiki.
- In case the order is canceled: If customers cancel before Tiki pick the order up, the system will automatically cancel the delivery slip. Under some circumstances, when Tiki has taken your orders, the system will automatically port of receipt (POR) and return orders to the seller.
- The seller will be provided an account at "sellercenter.tiki.vn" in order to carry out an order confirmation.
Tiki services:
For sellers, Tiki will provide the following services to assist dealers in selling goods:
- Processing customer orders.
- Provide transport services, pick up, delivery.
- Processing returned orders.
- Handling exchange/return/warranty requests on behalf of the sellers.
Sellers can choose to cooperate with Tiki: Tiki picks up the goods from sellers or the seller can deliver goods to Tiki's warehouse.

Tiki shippers loading orders for delivery
Source: Tinhte: Hang hoa duoc xu ly the nao truoc khi den tay nguoi tieu dung
Advantages of using ODF:
With regard to the sellers, receiving supports from processing customers’ orders, transport services, and delivery will help the business run quickly and efficiently. Thereby, each business will have more time to promote the products to the market. Alongside these benefits, ODF will bolster the credibility of Tiki's e-commerce website to easily approach the consumers.
Tiki Corporation indicates that they do not need to spend more time producing goods to meet their customers' requirements, but they still have diversified resources of products to serve the demand. Above all, the core value to apply the ODF model: Businesses will save accrued expenses for warehouses or maintenance equipment.

Tiki employees arranging orders to be delivered
Source: Cafebiz: Tiki mo rong he thong kho bai: Cuoc chien mo rong thi truong hay hanh trinh chinh phuc khach hang
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